Wabash College
Role ....................Art Director & Designer
Creative Director........Michael Bierut
Strategy.................Andrea Jarrell 
Photography..............Samuel Bradley
Wabash College, a private liberal arts college based in Indiana, wanted to refresh its brand story in order to increase admission inquiries and enrollment. Through campus visits, interviews, focus groups, and surveys, we developed a strategy that celebrated Wabash’s uniqueness and positioned it as compelling and desirable.

We partnered with DSType to develop a new wordmark, based off their typeface Girga, that captures Wabash’s personality through its distinctive letterforms. This charismatic typography serves as the cornerstone for a new graphic system that pairs with a minimal, yet bold, color palette and copy that highlights Wabash’s achievements and singularity.

Photographer Samuel Bradley was commissioned to capture a wide breadth of campus life through his unique, elevated, humanist perspective. This imagery was used for web and social assets, as well as admissions materials.
