Apple Originals
Role ....................Senior Art Director
Internal Team............Yego Moravia, Dora Godfrey, Elena Cruz, Jenny Barnes
Internal Marketing, News Content Design, News Editorial, Photography
External Collaborators................Order, Ricardo SantosGuillem Casasus, Jun Cen, Chloe Scheffe, Joan Wong, Sohyun Park, Adam Maida, Jon Riedell, George Wylesol, Shira Inbar, Vartika Sharma

In 2021, the tv+ team ventured into the world of original content, partnering with various production houses and writers to create unique podcast series. We partnered with the tv+ team, external artists, and animators to create a visual system and corresponding trailer for each show. Our goal was to combine a visual language that honored the originality of each narrative with Apple’s trademark aesthetic: minimal yet arresting.  

As the News team began to create more audio content, available on both News and Podcasts services, a need for greater parity between the two products emerged. The News team required a visual system that felt distinctive amongst the saturated landscape of shows and also uniquely Apple. We leaned into the brand elements that felt the most recognizably Apple News: color and typography. Ensuring these were consistent across the News and Podcasts products allowed greater listener recognition and ease of navigation. Lastly, we introduced an illustration system that reflects the simplicity and minimalism of Apple while providing an ownable style to illustrate News’ offerings.
